"But though the builder had many of the qualities which go to make a religious reformer — pure in heart and life, full of sincere piety, manly and with a strong sense of duty — the edifice he reared was quite artificial, lacked the living principle of growth, and could not last. Athanasius gave its history in four words when he said 'It will soon pass.' The world had outgrown paganism."

Athanasius speaks across the centuries to the makers of man-crafted religions. Will any one of them listen?

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Thus the enemy decided another way to erase Christianity needed to be found, and it was found by means of moral degradation, especially regarding fornication and related impurities.

See the 1960s, Boomers' younger days. The contraceptive pill, and Freudian psychoanalysis helped a lot. In the Roman Catholic Church it was combined with the "spirit of the Council"

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And, yet the Church lives on. White Pill vibes.

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The latest being at the same time Neopaganism as a way of loyalty to purported Ancestors.

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The war that St. Athanasius faced in his day was a typological precursor to the current religious struggle of our own day--which is ten times worse. And thank God, we have our own St. Athanasiuses and St. Nicholases; Bp. Williamson and Cardinal Vigano come to my mind.

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