Castalia Library is pleased to announce that the January-February subscription book will be THE OLD NORSE EDDA illuminated by Tamburn Bindery. The Old Norse Edda will be the 32nd book in the Castalia Library series and print runs of 700 for the Library edition and 75 for the Libraria edition are anticipated.
The Poetic Edda contains the heart of ancient Norse myth: the deeds of gods, the wisdom of seers, and the clash of monsters and heroes. From the yawning abyss before creation to the harrowing Twilight of the Gods at Ragnarok, the tales of the Poetic Edda represent the primary literary source from which we have derived our knowledge of ancient Norse beliefs and mythology. This project aims to produce a fine edition worthy of these tales—stylized in the archaic Germanic aesthetic with runic Old Norse text alongside modern English, designed to immerse readers in the mythic world.
Old Norse and English Texts: Faithful dual-language presentation utilizing the Old Norse text from the Codex Regius and the Henry Bellows English translation. The Old Norse is written in a specially-designed Latin alphabet inspired by the Anglo-Saxon capitals from the Lindisfarne Gospels and the text of the Codex Runicus (13th century) - though it is visually very runic, it is still decipherable to the modern eye accustomed to Latin alphabets so you can read and follow along the Old Norse.
Illustrations Inspired by Norse Art: Designs echoing the complex dynamism of Viking-age carvings, runestones, and artifacts.

Our partners at Tamburn Bindery are currently running a crowdfunding campaign for the Edda, and while all of the handbound editions are currently spoken for, there are some very interesting extras that may be of interest to Castalia collectors such as the Creation Scrolls.
As for Castalia History, we will announce the January-March subscription book tomorrow.
Ambitious! Looks beautiful.
This one is really really exciting