As you may or may not be aware, many Castalia House subscriptions were affected by the recent acquisition of one of our payment processors and the subsequent cancellation of our ability to process credit card payments by the corporation that bought them. We do not know the reason for this cancellation nor does the processor with whom we worked without incident for several years.
However, this affects all Castalia subscribers and all Arkhaven-store subscribers whose subscriptions were purchased with the via Credit Card option. Beginning on February 16, 2024, all attempted payments made via that option were denied, and beginning on February 19, all subscriptions that were utilizing that payment method were cancelled.
We already had several other payment options in place, so while most subscriptions were affected, about one-quarter of them were not. However, it is not legal for a vendor to automatically switch a subscriber’s subscription from one payment option to another, so it is necessary for every subscriber whose subscription was denied and/or subsequently cancelled to restart their subscription.
Those whose subscriptions were cancelled fall into three different categories:
Those whose subscriptions were cancelled, but whose credit card was charged between February 1st and February 15th should start a new subscription in March using the via Mastercard/Visa option. Do not start a new subscription yet or you’ll be ahead on your subscription payments.
Those whose subscriptions were cancelled and whose credit card was not / will not be charged during the month of February should start a new subscription now using the via Mastercard/Visa option. If you wait until March to start a new subscription, you’ll need to make a catchup payment as well.
Those whose annual subscription was cancelled do not need to do anything until the subscription expires, then start a new annual subscription. However, if you wish to keep some paid months in reserve, there is no problem with starting your new annual subscription now.
Those whose subscriptions are already on the via Mastercard/Visa option do not need to do anything, as their subscriptions have not been cancelled.
If you are not sure whether you need to start a new subscription or not, or if you wish to see if you need to make a catchup payment, please email LIBRARY at the usual email address. When you do start a new subscription, please be sure to use the via Mastercard/Visa as the payment option rather than via Paypal.
Since we keep track of all subscriptions manually, there is no need to worry about these cancellations causing anyone to miss out on a book. We will be sure to confirm with everyone before cancelling their subscriptions in our offline database. We apologize for the hassle, and we very much appreciate the hundreds of subscribers who have already restarted their cancelled subscriptions.
Links to the most popular subscriptions are below.